//add in logic required to do stories on each page
require_once './include/story_page_include.php';
include "./include/story_page_nav.php"
Credits: Satellite Imagery: Google. Modern Street Map(1): Google. Modern Street Map(2): Mapquest-OSM. Interwar Polish map: mapywig.org, made available in tiled WMS format by Cartomatic; Topographic: Open Topo Map; Web mapping library: Leaflet.js. Leaflet labeling add-in, J. Toye, maintainer.
Working Map of Wysokie Litewskie / Vysokoye
red circle: possible location of the Kirstein Clinic |
View of possible location of Kirstein Clinic, now a small food market |
//add in logic required to do stories on each page
require_once './include/story_page_include.php';
include "./include/story_page_nav.php"