My grandfather, who was born in Wysokie Litewskie in 1906 to Frieda and Israel Friedman:
My grandfather was one of 5 siblings. It was a very wealthy family. They owned the wheat trade in town and also the electric company – then in its beginning stage.
He knew my grandmother Ahuva Zajac, known as Leiba, in Wysokie Litewskie. In 1933, he came to Eretz Israel. She arrived in 1934 on a fictiitious marriage certificate, and they were officially married in Israel.
My mother remembers that her parents told her about a story passed on by someone who lived in Wysokie and immigrated to Russia: During WW2, the whole family hid in a bunker next to the Polish school in the city. A bit before the end of the war, someone informed on their hiding place and they were shot to death in the mass grave in the center of town.
Translated text of reverse:
As a souvenir
For my friend upon his departure for Eretz Israel,
I send you my photo
Moshe Friedman
Visoke Lit November 16th 1932