//add in logic required to do stories on each page
require_once './include/story_page_include.php';
include "./include/story_page_nav.php"
Original Page 12
Seated, left to right: J. Witzel A. Witchel, I. Bloom, H.Gevirtz, S. Blum Helen Levine, M Gevirtz, S. Witchel
Standing, first row: mr. and Mrs. Ch. Acker, Dobe Witzel, Rebecca Witchel, Sarah Gevirtz, M Silverstein, J. Levine, Fannie Gevirtz, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ross.
Standing, second row: M. Kolner. S. Weisblatt, I. Soffer. M. Gevirtz, Mr, and Mrs. B Goodman, A. Stavitzky, B. Zuckerman, M. London
//add in logic required to do stories on each page
require_once './include/story_page_include.php';
include "./include/story_page_nav.php"