//add in logic required to do stories on each page
require_once './include/story_page_include.php';
include "./include/story_page_nav.php"?>
On a scheduled day early in November, 1906, the time arrived for our departure from the village. The Balegola stopped in front of our house. The bundled luggage and the six of us were eased into the wagon, and the long journey to America was about to begin. The excitement was great. The village well-wishers chanted in Yiddish, For't gezunt' (Travel in good health), Zol zein mit glick, (It should be with luck), and Ziet gezunt (Stay healthy). And, for the last time, the Balegola drove us to the railroad station.
The Tenenbaums arrive at the Visoko railroad station to begin their journey to America.
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//add in logic required to do stories on each page
require_once './include/story_page_include.php';
include "./include/story_page_nav.php"?>