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include "./include/story_page_nav.php"
Staring in 1939, and during the entire Nazi (Hitlerite) occupation, I
lived in Wysokie Litewskie. [Original Page 2] After the beginning of the war and the
attack on the Soviet Union by the Germans, I was elected by the provisional council of the magistrate as a manager of economic activities in the town. My duty
was to give bread to 6000 inhabitants [6] and safeguard their personal property from looting.This was not an easy job, especially as the Germans kept involving themselves
in every detail of my work.
I acted humanely and became closer to the hearts of the
local populace. Even more so when I officially took a stand against the
harassment of the inhabitants by the local temporary police, who were under
Amtskomissariat[7] after 5 months of “interregnum”. [8]
//add in logic required to do stories on each page
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include "./include/story_page_nav.php"
Translator's Notes:
[6] The original inhabitants of the town, about 3000, plus others brought in my the Germans, including Jewish residents of Kamenets
Litewskie as mentioned above. Thus, living conditions in the Ghetto were
very likely terribly crowded. Andrea Simon's book
Bashert documents that the Germans told the residents of
neighboring Volchin that they would be removed to the “more
comfortable” Ghetto at Wysokie Litewskie, and this pretext was accepted,
implying that the practice was commonplace. The Volchin
residents were murdered on the outskirts of that town.
[7] Apparently, a German special unit with specific
occupation/police duties.
[8] This may refer to the period immediately
following the German invasion of the Soviet Union. There must have been some
time before the German administration arrived, and –in the meantime—there was
an absence of authority of about 5 months. |