/* display story logic 3 button nav */ include "./include/story_nav_buttons.php" ?>
Wolf Kessler prepared a Rosh Hashanah card to send to his relatives and friends:
Shana Tovah! |
The Hebrew text:
Shana Tovah. You shall be inscribed [in the Book of Life].
The Polish words translate to: Hearty Wishes for the New Year.
card reverse |
For you, my dear niece,
I send you a “Shana Tova” card even though it is belated.
In my heart I extend to you wishes every day
however in writing I am lagging behind.
I wish I could kiss you but I can’t,
so in my name, your mother will kiss you. I wish you
a healthy winter . Let your father and mother play with you.
Your uncle Velvil.
/* display story logic 3 button nav */ include "./include/story_nav_buttons.php" ?>